Use Color to Persuade, Excite and Convert


Because color has such a strong psychological impact on buying behavior, it can drive mood, perception, likes, and dislikes. Because merchants understand that colors have a significant impact on how customers perceive their products, big retailers spend millions testing the effects of color on them. The rewards of using colors correctly can be huge. If you misuse colors, it can send a message to website visitors that they should stay away.

Research shows that customers who stick to a budget are more likely to buy pink, teal and light blue. While traditionalists love pastels, impulse buyers respond better to black, red-orange and royal blue. Red is often associated with promotions and sales, so it's not surprising that this color is used most often. Red attracts attention and elicits passion and excitement. It can be paired with a great promotion to create a sense of urgency or need, which encourages action immediately and increases sales. Below is a list of colors that are associated with certain emotions or qualities in North American culture. This guide can be used to help you plan your future marketing efforts.

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  • Red --excitement and strength. It is smart to use a small amount of red in the right place in most cases. However, it is important not to overuse this color.
  • Yellow - Knowledge, joy, intelligence, youth, happiness and energy.
  • Green - fertility, wealth, healing and success.
  • Blue -knowledge and trust. Blue is the most preferred color. Other meanings include steadfastness, loyalty, and perseverance.
  • White --purity and healing, perfection, cleanness, virtue, mild.
  • Black -Fear, secrecy and formality. Luxury, sophistication, elegance, elegant, seductive. Black is a serious colour that evokes strong emotions. Too much black can overwhelm people, so be cautious when using it.
  • Orange --creativity and invigoration. Because orange is psychologically more affordable, it's often used to make expensive products more appealing.
  • Gray --balance and sophistication, affluence. Neutrality. Gray can give a product a solid feel.
Know your audience

It is crucial to remember your target audience. If you sell books for children, then you need to market to grandparents and parents. Many toys, books, and websites for children contain large blocks of primary colors. These colors are preferred by young children, so an ecommerce site that is primarily based on them would be a miss. The website and marketing materials should be created with grandparents in mind. This means that colors such as blue, which conveys trust and yellow, is associated with happiness.

You can play it safe

Avoid using bold colors unless you have a strong brand. It is not a good idea to try to create a brand using colors that are not proven effective in selling. Don't overdo it with one color. This can cause a complete reverse of the positive impact that a subtle use might have.

The ability to sell a product is affected by color. Simple changes to the color of an "add-to-cart" button can make a difference in conversion rates and increase sales. You should always test everything and make sure that your marketing materials and website colors convey the message and image you want.

New Ecommerce Payment Technologies

When it comes to managing your business, everything is important. Online store owners should prioritize getting money from point A (your website) to point B (your bank account). This process is made safer and more efficient by new payment technologies that are constantly being developed. A variety of new technologies are on the horizon. These include scanning a QR code for checkout, and order completion on a mobile device rather than a computer. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering new payment technology.


It's great to have multiple methods to collect money through your online store. However, you must ensure that both the ecommerce platform and the payment gateway meet or exceed all Payment Card Industry requirements. PayPal is an established method, but it should not be considered a revolutionary technology. It offers many different processing options and can be used for a variety of purposes. PayPal will soon launch Payment Code in 2014. This will enable consumers to scan a QR code from their mobile phones to make purchases and also receive a four-digit code to complete the purchase.

Payment tokenization

The tokenization of payment information, a relatively new technology, has seen some growth in recent years. First Data and Shift4 use this "token" method for encrypting site visitor payment information. Because sensitive data is replaced by a unique identifier, it is highly secure. This prevents theft of credit card information.

Mobile ready

Your site may not offer a mobile payment option that is simple, fast, and elegant. Any online shop that wants to accept credit cards or PayPal orders must have a mobile version of their site. Mobile friendly websites are not likely to have a small, difficult-to-read version of the main site. Mobile-friendly design allows you to keep up with current payment technologies, as well as provide your customers with a safe and secure experience.
