Becoming one with the community - A thought piece in Going Local


Strategic thinking is key when it comes to popping up. We've already discussed where to pop up (hint: it's where people are). Let's now talk about how.

It is not possible to open a shop in a new place without first researching the area. Every region is unique, with its own culture, history, and soul, from small coastal towns to large cities. You must ensure that your company's ethos does not disrupt the spirit of the community when you introduce your product, shop, or company to a new location.

This is a great way to go local, whether it's with your partners, your product or your theme.

Local definition

The fabric of American culture is local. It's the small, family-owned shop at the corner of Main Street. It is lemonade freshly made every day. It's the produce from upstate New York if you live in Manhattan. It's the American-made leather belt. It can be used locally, nationally, and regionally all at once. It's as American as apple pie and baseball.

This is why there are many ways to get local and show your local interest.

Your pop-up should have a local flair

If you are a stranger in a new place, it is a sign that you are an outsider. To be able to connect with local residents, you must show that you are able to understand, support, and value their culture.

Perhaps a barbershop is the best place to go for men in the local area. You could host a barbershop event with free products for each trim if you are a self-care brand that makes shampoos or a men’s clothing company. You could even turn it into an social-good pop-up. Perhaps you give haircut proceeds to charity or give haircuts to homeless men.

Perhaps the town is known for its farmers'market, local produce like soap or jam, or perhaps it is a home-grown artist, musician, or baker. Your pop-up will be friendlier if you partner with local heroes and showcase their talents and products.

Splendid, a fashion retailer, plans a Mother's Day event, where customers are invited to their pop up in a parking lot to have mother-daughter portraits taken locally by a photographer. They are not only capitalizing on an event that is filled with warmth emotion but they also celebrate and support a local business.

Check out the American Field pop up shops. This company is well-known for creating fun marketplaces that link consumers and brands. American Field featured local artisans, such as candles and jewelry, at their Spring DC shop in 2017. In its association with local brands, the bourbon company naturally evoked a local vibe.

Apply this strategy to your local pop up. You can partner with local small businesses to market your product in harmony with the national one. By partnering with small businesses, you are connecting with people behind brands and connecting with consumers, and humanizing your large company.

Establish a symbiosis among the national and local authorities

You must be true to your company's personality when you introduce new products or partnerships to your brand. It is important to balance the local and the global. It is important to give back to the community.

This requires a keen eye for continuity. It is important to ensure that local support extends beyond temporary pop-ups. It is important to incorporate the theme into your brick-and-mortar location. Your efforts to promote local interest after the pop up will be seen as dishonest. This can cause more damage than good for your reputation in the long-term. Your goal is to encourage pop-up customers to visit your permanent store by making local support and local flavor part o your corporate ethos.

